15 Call Center Quality Assurance Best Practices (Including the Use of AI)

Call Center Quality assurance plays a vital role in ensuring excellent customer service and high call center performance. To increase the productivity of quality monitors and streamline the assurance process, it is crucial to implement the most effective practices in the market. In this article, we will explore 15 Call Center Quality Assurance Best Practices to boost monitor productivity, gain better insights from results, and further enhance customer satisfaction.

How to more easily achieve the quality assurance goals for quality monitors?

To achieve a higher level of productivity, it is necessary to implement effective strategies. Defining these standards will enable quality monitors to optimize their evaluations and provide valuable feedback to enhance team performance, promoting greater productivity and satisfaction for both employees and customers. However, besides establishing clear standards, there are other strategies that can be adopted to further boost the productivity of quality monitors.

How to more easily achieve the quality assurance goals for quality monitors

1. Set clear standards for contacts to be evaluated:

To enhance the productivity of quality monitors, it is crucial to establish clear standards for contacts to be evaluated. By defining specific and measurable criteria, monitors can direct their efforts more efficiently.

For example:

  • Contacts with important reasons, such as sales, customer retention, or resolution of recurring issues, should be prioritized.
  • Instances where customers have given poor ratings for service, in order to identify service gaps and implement necessary improvements.
  • Specific target handle times within a defined range.
  • Handle times outside the standard, either too long or too short.

By setting these standards, quality monitors can optimize their evaluations and provide valuable feedback to improve team performance, promoting greater productivity and satisfaction for both employees and customers.

2. Set a clear quantity of contacts to be evaluated:

Defining a clear quantity of contacts to be evaluated is an effective strategy to help quality monitors achieve their goals more easily. We will address the following topics related to this strategy:

1. Contact reasons:

– Sales: Evaluate 100% of sales interactions to analyze the performance of agents in this aspect.

– Non-sales: Include a sample to assess how agents handle situations where there is no sales conversion.

2. CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score):

– Evaluate a representative sample of contacts to measure the customer satisfaction level and gain insights into the quality of service.

3. Complaints:

– Analyze a sample of contacts related to complaints to identify problematic areas and provide targeted feedback.

4. Communication channels:

– Include different channels such as chatbot, phone, and email in the quantity of contacts evaluated.

– Assess the efficiency of the chatbot, accuracy of responses, and ability to escalate the customer to a human agent when necessary.

Setting a clear quantity of contacts to be evaluated considering these topics provides a comprehensive view of agents’ performance and enables significant improvements in customer service.

3. How to find contacts to be evaluated more easily:

Finding contacts to be evaluated more easily can be an efficient strategy to help quality monitors achieve their goals more quickly. Here are some relevant topics to consider in this process:

1.Contact search:

– Use advanced filters in the contact management system to segment and identify specific groups of interactions.

– Explore criteria such as date, time, channel type (phone, chat, email, etc.), and reason for contact to refine the search.

– Consider the use of relevant keywords related to key topics to be evaluated.

2. AHT (Average Handling Time):

– Prioritize the evaluation of contacts with longer AHT, as they may contain more complex interactions or require more handling time.

– Identify trends in contacts with high AHT to pinpoint improvement opportunities and specific training needs.

3. Tagging in the system:

– Implement an efficient tagging system to categorize contacts according to relevant themes.

– Define specific tags that are useful in identifying areas for improvement and training needs.

– Conduct periodic analysis of the most common tags to identify patterns and act proactively.

4. IVR (Interactive Voice Response) routing:

– Evaluate contacts that have gone through the IVR to identify possible routing issues or customer experience problems.

– Monitor the options selected by customers during IVR routing to identify call patterns and potential areas for improvement.

5. Contact Content (AI and Speech Analytics):

– Utilize AI technologies and speech analytics to extract valuable insights from the content of contacts.

– Identify keywords, expressions, or recurring issues in customer interactions to prioritize the evaluation of such contacts.

– Analyze customer sentiment during the interaction to identify opportunities for improving service quality.

By adopting these strategies for contact search, system tagging, IVR routing, and contact content analysis, quality monitors can optimize their work and achieve their goals more efficiently, while identifying areas for improvement in customer service.

Integration brings several benefits, such as:

  • Continuous data feed.
  • Reduction of manual effort for the searches mentioned above.
  • Guarantee of accurate and real-time information.

By connecting your quality system with your CRM software, customer service systems, and other relevant platforms, it allows monitors to access all necessary information within a single system, greatly increasing team efficiency on a day-to-day basis.

Using Artificial Intelligence to further facilitate the work of call center quality assurance.

3. Audio Transcription:

Transcribing call recordings offers several benefits in terms of quality productivity. Converting audio to text allows monitors to:

  • Have greater agility in reading compared to listening to a call.
  • Search for specific keywords or phrases in conversations, saving valuable time.

In some transcription engines, there may be drawbacks such as:

  • Error rates, especially in low-quality calls.
  • Omitting periods of silence.
  • Missing nuances in the tone of voice.

Transcriptions can be done manually or automated using speech-to-text technologies, further optimizing the quality process.

In CYF Quality AI, monitors have automatic transcriptions integrated with the evaluation form, further enhancing productivity. Additionally, we include periods of silence and customer sentiment to address the issues mentioned above.

4. Summarizing Conversations with Artificial Intelligence:

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to summarize conversations can significantly enhance quality assurance productivity. AI-based algorithms can analyze call or chat recordings and generate summaries, highlighting the key aspects of the conversation. These summaries help monitors quickly identify main issues or areas for improvement without the need to listen to the entire conversation. By providing actionable insights in a digestible format, AI-driven conversation summaries boost the efficiency of quality assurance.

5. Put Your Evaluations on Autopilot with Artificial Intelligence:

Implementing AI-driven assurance systems can automate the evaluation process and free up valuable time for monitors. AI algorithms can be trained to assess call quality based on predefined criteria, replicating the experience of experienced monitors.

By automating evaluations, monitors can focus on more complex assessments and train agents to improve their performance. However, it is important to strike a balance and ensure that human intervention is available when differentiated judgment is required, such as in the case of disagreements, for example.

With CYF Quality AI, the entire process of automatic evaluation is efficiently guaranteed through electronic feedback, disagreements processes, and audits, all centralized in the same system.

6. Provide personal feedback only when necessary:

“Face-to-face” feedback sessions with agents can be time-consuming and not always necessary. Prioritize the use of electronic feedback in your assurance system or, at most, through other systems such as video conferencing. These methods allow monitors to provide feedback remotely, saving time and resources.

Reserve in-person feedback sessions for critical situations that require immediate attention or when a personal touch is essential for the agent’s development.

How to better analyze the reported data?

Advanced reports in call center quality assurance

Analyzing the data from quality assurance reports effectively is crucial to identify trends, make informed decisions, evaluate the effectiveness of corrective actions, identify training needs, monitor progress over time, and gain valuable insights from customers. This improves the overall quality  and performance of the organization. Therefore, let’s go through the best practices:

7. Disagreements Tracking:

Closely assurance disagreements raised by agents is essential to identify patterns and trends. This meticulous tracking allows for the implementation of targeted corrective actions, such as specific training for agents or updates to operational procedures within the assurance team.

Here are some examples of points to keep an eye on:

  • Items with the highest number of disagreements
  • Agents with the highest number of disagreements
  • Monitors receiving the most disagreements

8. Ensuring the Reduction of Recurring Failures:

Ensuring the reduction of recurring items is essential for continuous service improvement. Through the offender report, it is possible to identify the most frequent points of failure and develop strategies to correct them. By providing constructive feedback to agents, highlighting areas for improvement, and offering specific training, it is possible to strengthen their skills and competencies, thus reducing the recurrence of errors. Additionally, adopting corrective and preventive measures, such as creating best practice manuals and standardizing processes, can prevent the same errors from occurring repeatedly. Thus, striving for the reduction of recurring items in quality assurance contributes to excellence in customer service and user satisfaction.

9. Track Unapplied Feedbacks:

Monitoring unapplied feedback to agents in quality assurance is of utmost importance due to the following reasons:

  • Stagnation in performance: Lack of feedback can prevent agents from recognizing areas where they need improvement, resulting in stagnant performance and a lack of professional growth.
  • Repetition of errors: Failure to monitor unapplied feedback can lead to recurring mistakes and the repetition of improper behaviors, harming the quality of service and customer satisfaction.
  • Demotivation of agents: The absence of a structured process to review and address unapplied feedback can create a demotivating environment among agents. They may feel neglected and undervalued, which negatively impacts their engagement and performance at work.

Therefore, it is crucial that unapplied feedback is closely monitored, allowing for clear and constructive communication between the team and leadership. This provides opportunities for continuous learning and development for the agents.

10. Track the Productivity of Quality Monitors:

Assurance of the productivity of quality monitors involves analyzing various essential aspects. One crucial aspect is setting evaluation goals, which establish the number of evaluations each monitor should conduct within a specific period. These goals provide clear direction and motivate the team to achieve consistent results. Additionally, it is important to monitor the quality of the conducted evaluations, ensuring that evaluation criteria are followed rigorously and impartially.

Another point to consider is the duration of evaluations. Monitoring the time spent on each evaluation is important to ensure they are conducted properly and within established timeframes. This allows for identifying possible bottlenecks or optimization opportunities in the evaluation processes. Moreover, it is fundamental to track monitor idle time. Identifying moments when monitors are available but not conducting evaluations enables better task distribution and maximization of overall team productivity.

The quality of interactions between monitors and those being evaluated should also be monitored. It is essential to ensure that monitors provide constructive and efficient feedback, contributing to the continuous improvement of those being evaluated. Additionally, monitoring the satisfaction level of those being evaluated regarding the evaluation process can help identify potential improvements or necessary adjustments.

By assurance these aspects, opportunities for improvement can be identified. Based on the collected data, specific training can be provided to monitors, aiming to enhance their skills and increase efficiency in the evaluation process. Moreover, strategies can be implemented to maximize productivity and ensure better utilization of available resources. This includes adopting tools and technologies that automate repetitive tasks and facilitate the analysis of productivity data.

At CYF Quality you can…

Improve your customer experience even more.

Especially in today’s highly competitive environment, providing exceptional experiences to customers is fundamental, particularly for call centers. By implementing these best practices, we can further improve the customer experience, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty. Here are the strategies to adapt to take your customer experience to the next level:

11. Compare CSAT with your Quality Index:

Comparing CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) with your Quality Index can provide valuable insights into the customer experience and the quality of service provided by a company. Although they are different metrics, they address similar aspects, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of organizational performance.

CSAT is a direct measure of customer satisfaction with a specific product, service, or interaction. It is typically obtained through satisfaction surveys, where customers are asked to rate their experience on a numerical scale or provide additional comments. CSAT provides an overall view of customer satisfaction regarding a specific event, allowing for the identification of areas for improvement or recognition of strengths.

On the other hand, the Quality Index is a metric that evaluates the quality of service or product offered by the company from the perspective of the quality assurance team. It considers different factors represented in the evaluation form items, such as the accuracy and efficiency of the service, compliance with established standards, and proper resolution of customer issues or complaints.

By comparing CSAT with the Quality Index, a more comprehensive view of the customer experience can be obtained. If CSAT is high but the Quality Index is low, it may indicate that the company is providing a satisfactory short-term experience, but there may be underlying issues in the quality of service or product. On the other hand, if CSAT is low and the Quality Index is high, it may indicate that the company is meeting quality expectations, but there may be issues in the overall customer experience that need to be addressed.

By analyzing these metrics together, companies can identify areas for improvement, set more realistic goals, and direct efforts to improve both service quality and customer satisfaction. This can lead to a better understanding of customer needs and the adoption of proactive measures to enhance the overall customer experience

12. Analyze Customer Sentiment:

Analyzing customer sentiment in a call center can be extremely beneficial for improving the overall customer experience. Here are some ways to conduct this analysis and leverage the insights gained:

1. Interaction Assurance: Record and monitor call center calls to capture the tone of voice, keywords, and expressions used by customers. This will help identify signals of emotions such as frustration, satisfaction, anxiety, among others.

2. Sentiment Analysis: Use natural language processing techniques to identify the emotional tone of conversations based on the words and expressions used by customers. Sentiment analysis algorithms can assign a score of positivity, negativity, or neutrality to each interaction.

3. Emotion Categorization: Classify the emotions identified in interactions into relevant categories such as satisfaction, dissatisfaction, anger, joy, concern, among others. This categorization will help understand the main feelings experienced by customers during interactions.

4. Pattern Identification: Analyze the data collected over time to identify patterns and trends in customer sentiments. For example, you may discover that certain product issues frequently generate feelings of frustration. This analysis will allow you to take proactive measures to address recurring problems.

5. Integration with Feedback and Reviews: Associate sentiment analysis with customer satisfaction surveys and feedback. This will provide a more comprehensive view of the customer experience and help identify specific areas that need improvement.

6. Team Training and Development: Use customer sentiment information to provide appropriate training and guidance to the call center team. Understanding how interactions affect customer emotions will enable agents to adjust their approach to ensure a more positive experience.

7. Personalization and Approach Adjustments: Based on sentiment analysis, adapt the customer service approach to meet emotional needs. For example, if a customer is showing frustration, it’s important for the agent to adopt an empathetic stance and offer quick and efficient solutions.

By analyzing customer sentiment in a call center, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of their emotional needs and expectations. This allows you to take action to improve the customer experience, identify improvement opportunities, and increase overall satisfaction.

13. Evaluate All Customer Service Channels:

Evaluating all customer service channels in quality assurance can enhance the customer experience for several reasons:

1. Identify Areas for Improvement: Assessing all customer service channels, such as phone, chat, email, social media, among others, helps identify areas where performance can be improved. This includes identifying recurring issues, communication bottlenecks, and gaps in customer service.

2. Provide Consistency: Evaluating all customer service channels ensures that the customer experience is consistent across all interactions. Each channel has its peculiarities and specific challenges, and assurance all of them helps ensure that quality standards are maintained at all touchpoints.

3. Adapt to Customer Preferences: Each customer may have different preferences in terms of service channels. Some may prefer to talk over the phone, while others may opt for online interactions. By evaluating all channels, you can identify customer preferences and adapt the service strategy accordingly, offering a personalized experience.

4. Identify Trends and Patterns: By assurance all customer service channels, you can identify trends and patterns in customer interactions. For example, you may notice that certain questions or issues are frequent on a particular channel, allowing you to take proactive measures to resolve these recurring matters and improve the overall experience.

5. Optimize Resources: Evaluating all customer service channels enables the optimization of available resources. For instance, if it’s found that a specific channel is receiving less demand than others, resources can be reallocated to ensure better service in the more frequently used channels. This helps maximize efficiency and customer service quality.

Overall, evaluating all customer service channels in quality assurance allows for a comprehensive understanding of the customer experience, identifying areas for improvement, ensuring consistency, adapting to customer preferences, identifying trends, and optimizing resources. This results in a more satisfying customer experience, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and business growth.

14. Reward Customers for Providing Feedback:

Rewarding customers who leave quality feedback can significantly enhance the customer experience for various reasons. Here are some key reasons:

1. Feedback Incentive: By rewarding customers for providing valuable feedback about their products or services, companies encourage them to share their opinions and experiences, fostering a culture of sharing and continuous improvement.

2. Customer Recognition: By rewarding customers who leave quality feedback, companies show appreciation and recognition for the time and effort invested in providing helpful feedback. This strengthens the relationship between the company and the customer, creating a sense of value and loyalty.

3. Quality Improvement: Customer feedback is a valuable source of information to identify areas for improvement in products or services. By rewarding those who leave quality feedback, companies incentivize active customer participation in identifying and solving issues, contributing to continuous quality improvement.

4. Positive Word-of-Mouth: Satisfied customers who are rewarded for leaving quality feedback are more likely to share their positive experiences with others. This can lead to increased word-of-mouth promotion and enhance the company’s reputation, attracting new customers.

Here are some successful examples of programs that reward customers for quality feedback:

1. Starbucks: Starbucks has a program called “My Starbucks Idea,” which encourages customers to share their ideas to improve the in-store experience. Customers can submit suggestions online and receive rewards, such as gift cards, when their ideas are implemented.

2. TripAdvisor: TripAdvisor is an online platform for hotel, restaurant, and attraction reviews. Users who contribute quality reviews and helpful information are recognized with “Top Contributor” status and receive special badges on their profiles, increasing their visibility and reputation within the community.

3. Amazon: Amazon encourages customers to leave detailed and helpful reviews about the products they purchased. Those who write high-quality reviews that are deemed helpful by other users may receive benefits, such as discounts on future purchases.

These are just a few examples of how rewarding customers for quality feedback can improve the customer experience and drive business growth. These strategies incentivize active customer participation, promote loyalty, and provide valuable insights for continuous improvement.

15. Evaluate 100% of Customer Interactions:

Evaluating the quality of 100% of call center interactions can significantly improve the customer experience for several reasons:

1. Identification of Recurring Issues: Assessing all interactions allows the identification of problems or difficulties that occur frequently. This helps identify patterns and areas for improvement in customer service, enabling the company to implement proactive solutions to prevent these issues from occurring in the future.

2. Standardization of Service: Evaluating all interactions helps establish clear standards and guidelines for customer service. This ensures that all call center agents are following best practices and providing consistent service. Standardization contributes to a more uniform and reliable experience for customers.

3. Identification of Training Needs: By evaluating all interactions, it’s possible to identify knowledge or skill gaps in call center agents. These assessments provide valuable insights into areas where agents may need additional training. By offering proper training, agents will be better equipped to handle a wide range of situations and meet customer needs more effectively.

4. Customer Satisfaction Assurance: Evaluating all interactions allows for more accurate measurement of customer satisfaction. The evaluations can include specific questions related to the customer experience, enabling the company to identify areas where customer satisfaction may be below expectations. With these insights, the company can implement targeted improvements to ensure the customer experience is satisfactory in all interactions.

5. Continuous Improvement: By evaluating 100% of interactions, the company can adopt a continuous improvement approach. With constant feedback and analysis, it’s possible to identify opportunities for enhancement and implement progressive changes. This results in a more efficient call center capable of providing high-quality service to customers.

Overall, evaluating the quality of 100% of call center interactions allows the company to identify issues, implement improvements, train agents adequately, and provide a consistent and satisfactory experience to customers. This approach helps strengthen the company’s reputation, increase customer loyalty, and promote a positive relationship with the public.


The implementation of effective best practices for call center quality is essential to increase customer satisfaction. By comparing metrics such as CSAT and Quality Index, call centers can gain valuable insights into their performance and make informed decisions. Setting clear quality standards, conducting regular call assurance and evaluation, investing in agent training and development, creating a feedback loop for continuous improvement, and recognizing exceptional performance through incentives are crucial steps. By prioritizing these recommended practices, call centers can enhance their quality processes, provide exceptional customer service, and ultimately achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction.

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