New filters in Productivity Per Monitor

We have improvements to the “Productivity per Monitor”!

Now you can use 3 new filters to measure the productivity of your monitors in a much more surgical way:

  1. Sum of Duration of Evaluations
  2. Average Duration of Contacts
  3. Average Duration of Evaluations

Previously, the only view available in this report was the sum of the duration of evaluated contacts.

Here’s how the new filters work:

Sum of Duration of Evaluations

The report sums up the duration of the evaluations within each month, and presents the result month by month, and then in “Total” the sum of the duration of the Evaluations during the year.

Average Duration of Contacts

The report shows the average duration of contacts evaluated within each month, and presents the result month by month, and then in “Total” the sum of the average duration of Contacts throughout the year.

Average Duration of Evaluations

The report shows the average duration of the Evaluations within each month, and presents the result month by month, and then in “Total” the sum of the average duration of the Evaluations throughout the year.

If you have any suggestions for improvement, we are open to receiving them! Thanks.

CYF Team.

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