Call Center Quality Monitoring Scorecard Sample for Sales

Due to the great success of our content Call center Quality Assurance Scorecard template CS and CX, we have prepared for you our newest Sales Call Center Quality Monitoring Scorecard…

This is the perfect time to create a quality assurance area in your call center, or if this area already exists, discover new ideas and best practices with the items on the scorecard that you will see below.

If you are here, you know that the quality area is very important when we are in contact with a customer (or potential customer in this case).

It is very likely that you currently use Excel to make your evaluations, however, it interferes too much in many points of daily bases in the quality area.

I invite you to stop using spreadsheets to evaluate and start using our free call center quality assurance software, in which you can use this scorecard that we will show you later, at no cost.

Some observations about this content:

  1. It is important for you to know that this spreadsheet must be used for sales with effective customer contacts.
  2. Some items on this form may not apply to your context or type of service.
  3. This scorecard can be automatically imported into your CYF Quality or CYF Free, just access the menu “Tools” and “Forms library”.
  4. The weights will already be defined in the template within our scorecards library.


Call Center Quality Monitoring Scorecard Sample for Sales


In selling, the greetings is a fundamental point and must be evaluated very delicately.

See the items you can put on your form:

  • Present correctly

Presenting yourself correctly is a key item for the lead to identify the company and the person who is contacting him, also explain about the company that is trying to contact.

  • Identify the customer

Each type of product/service has different identification requirements, this item refers only if the agent followed the process defined by the company for customer identification, if necessary, create sub-items to better detail each part of the process.

  • Inform the reason for the contact

Still in the greetings part, it is necessary to assess whether the agent correctly informed the reason for contacting the customer, for example: the reason for contacting you is that we have a 30% discount on X internet plan.

  • Probing correctly

The probing may be considered an optional item on your scorecard, it may or may not be there, depending on the script created, as it might not apply in some scenarios.

If applicable, we are talking about those questions that the agent needs to ask to identify which interests and benefits can be used in the first place as the main argument of the sale, and should be evaluated if they were relevant or not.


Call Center Quality Monitoring Scorecard Sample for Sales

Even at the beginning of the call, if the customer showed interest in the reason for the contact, the agent needs to be ready to explain in detail all the benefits and features of the product. Remember that depending on the customer’s personality, you should talk more about benefits or features.

  • Describe/explain the product/service

The explanation of the product and service is a super important point of the approach, a good explanation together with a good intonation of the voice, which we will talk about below, will certainly make the company sell more.

During the explanation, make sure the agent has taken the proper breaks and control questions to make sure he keeps the customer’s attention at all times.

  • Highlight the benefits

When explaining the product, it is mandatory that the agent mention the benefit of the product/service…

But what is the difference between feature and benefit between a product/service?

See the Netflix website, for example:

The benefit is clear, Unlimited movies, TV shows, and more.

A little further down, still on Netflix, you’ll find the features:

And here it is also much clearer, you can:

  • Enjoy on your TV
  • Download your shows to watch offline.
  • Watch everywhere.

These are the features of the service.


Call Center Quality Monitoring Scorecard Sample for Sales

Keep in mind that the communication must be evaluated in the call as a whole, evaluate this item in general terms and not just in some specific part of the contact.

  • Good intonation and voice speed

Voice is a fundamental tool in the sales process, the way you use it can directly influence your performance…

A person with a sleepy, tired voice will certainly not convey the enthusiasm needed for the lead to make a purchase.

  • Keep control of the communication

This is a very important item, especially in call centers, as it significantly influences the AVH (Average Handle Time), it consists in knowing how to properly interrupt a customer who talks too much and regain “communication control”.

In particular, check if the agent properly uses the question types (open, closed and alternative, according to the script created).

  • Adapt to the customer’s language

The way in which we communicate with a young person and an elderly person is not the same, just as we should speak differently with a trained professional and a person with little education.

In order to have a good relationship, we must adapt to the client’s language and use a similar form of communication.

  • Empathize with the customer

Empathy means putting yourself in the lead’s shoes. It is a little difficult to assess, but note if the agent uses words or phrases such as: “I understand”, “… in your place I would…”, “That’s right, I see that you were interested in…” etc.


Call Center Quality Monitoring Scorecard Sample for Sales

  • Use pertinent arguments

This can vary greatly from script to script, but if your scenario has variations of lead-based scripts, use this item to identify whether the correct argument was used.

It would be very useful to have a ready list of arguments and, in which case to use each of them, make sure the agent has access to it.

  • Identify and correctly respond to doubts, fears and objections

If there are doubts and fears that are outside the standard script, the agent must also be prepared to identify them and work around them properly.

  • Offer extra products

Depending on the script assembled, the agent may offer other products, and this must also be evaluated. This is the case of Up-Sell and Cross-Sell, and it does not always apply, it depends on the process and purpose of the contact:

Up-sell is a strategy that encourages customers to purchase a more sophisticated or advanced version of the product they originally intended to buy.

Cross-sell is the sale of related and complementary products or services based on the customer’s interest or on the purchase of a product.

  • Persistent

If there is denial by the lead, did the agent ask and persist to understand the reason for the lack of interest?

Registration in the system

  • Record the result of the call

The registration in the system is a fundamental point for any continuity in the sales process, if not done correctly, it can impact on a delivery and, as a consequence, on customer loyalty.

The same must be done in the non-sales contacts, justifying the reason for not having done the same.


  • Confirm the sale

If the quality control of the sale is not carried out separately by another team, it is very important to repeat and confirm with the customer the result of the sale and negotiation, for example: the product they purchased, value, payment method, deadlines of delivery, etc.

  • Inform the next steps

It is also important to correctly inform the next steps for receiving the product/service, as no one likes to make a purchase and not be informed of the deadline for receipt or access, it is extremely important to remember and notify the customer of the correct date.

  • Default closure

If they use a particular shutdown script, remember to rate it in this item as well.

How to use the Call Center Quality Monitoring Scorecard?

If you want to have this form above for free, with all the scores already calculated and with the items points to be customized for your scenario, contact us and ask for your CYF Free.

In addition to this, you can also use other call center quality monitoring scorecard templates.

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