New feature: uploading files and players over the web.

We’re introducing two improvements to CYF Quality that will make your job even easier.

Upload files through the web.
We have introduced web-based file upload functionality for manual insertions across all system channels. Now, for users using FTP, it will no longer be necessary to use M-tools to attach files.

Web Player in CYF Quality
Now, you can also play the attached audio directly from the browser, without needing to download the m-tools executable, as long as you use FTP to store the files. Web Player offers versatile controls such as speed change, volume adjustment, and easy audio navigation.

Main Benefits of Uploading via Web:

  1. Easy charging: Drag and drop files or select them to upload directly to the designated space.
  2. FTP Storage: Files are saved on the client’s FTP in a folder named after the current date.
  3. Compatibility and feedback: No file size or extension restrictions, with immediate feedback on upload status.

Main benefits of the web player:

  1. Easy accessibility: Play your audio files directly from the browser.
  2. Versatile controls: Change playback speed, adjust volume and navigate audio easily.
  3. Simplified management: Files are temporarily stored on the CYF server and automatically deleted after use, ensuring optimized performance.

Try these improvements now and see how they can make your CYF Quality experience even more efficient and accessible.

Yours sincerely,

Equipo CYF

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