Creating and editing scorecards using a blank template.

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Creating score cards play a Vitol and Pivotal role in a quality software solution as it is the core of evaluations and reporting functionalities of the system.

The following article will demonstrate to you the user how to create a scorecard using the blank template provided on the “Forms Administration” in the CYF Quality.

Log onto

Forms Administration

Once log on navigate to “Settings” “Forms Administration”.

Click on “New Contact Evaluation Form” as shown in the image below.

Select the “Blank Form” that appears on the “Pop Up” screen. 

Form Criteria:

The next page allows you to name your form and choose the correct criteria that the form should have.

On the channel drop down you can choose which channel this form will be used for.

Next give your form name as well as a short description of what the purpose of the form is and where it will primarily used.

  • Select by clicking on any of the radio buttons the Form Criteria
  • Select either No/Yes to Include FCR 
  • Select No/Yes to Include Force Evaluation To Zero 

FCR (First Call Resolution)

This outcome means in the call center industry that the customer was serviced the very first time the customer called.

When setting up your score card and this is included and at the end of the evaluation you click on “Yes” then the agent scores full points. This means the agent has done everything correct throughout the call.

Force Evaluation To Zero

In these instances regardless of the fact that the agent might have scored a high score if the agent makes a mistake on one of the critical faults this option can the be selected and this will force the outcome to Zero. This is demonstrated in the images below.




In many cases monitors when doing and evaluation need to add comments when necessary. In some cases the outcome can only be one answer or comment. This is where the shortcuts come in handy as those repetitive comments can be added here and just inserted when doing the evaluation. You can add up to 5 comments.

The page will return to the “Forms Administration” page. Here you will see the “New Form” you have named and edited. We are now going to continue to “Edit” the form.

To edit the form, select the “Pen Icon” that is in line with the form. Click on the icon.

The form design page consists of the following:

The first container is where you will see the form name and details previously entered. You can edit the form header on this container should you wish to do so by clicking on the “Edit Form Headers” button. 

The following container we will start creating the form by adding “Items”.

Click on “Insert New” button

A pop up will appear as per the image below. We will now go through each carefully.


1. Heading

Here we will create the heading of a particular section for example. Opening or Greeting or Introduction are just some examples that can be used as a heading.

Click on the “Send” button.

Here you can name your heading. Save the “Item”

The page will go back to and display the newly created “Heading”

Next we will continue to insert a new “Item”.

2. One Answer Drop Down

Click on “Insert New”.

Select anyone of the options that you would want to use for your outcomes.

We will go through each option with a brief description of each for your understanding.

In this example we are using the “Drop Down” option by clicking on the radio button next to it.

In the following page we will now create the “Item”.

First option on the screen “Is it a subitem?” the answer will be NO as this will be your main “Item”. You can create a “Subitem” after you create the main item. We will demonstrate this later on in this article.

Check if required?” When this option is selected the monitor will not be able to leave the outcome as “Not Applicable” the user must choose and outcome.

Now continue to give a description of the “Item”. See example below.


In the next step we will create the “Outcomes” and “Scoring”. See the demonstrated image below.

  • Click in any of the outcome boxes and add an out of your choice. Examples like “Good” “Achieved” “Compliant” etc.
  • Now you can add a score that you would associate with the outcome. See example below.
  • You can choose which of these should be your default. This simply means when you see the form you will the default option as well first. 
  • In addition you can add the minimum score required for this item.
  • You can also delete outcomes or add more out comes by clicking on the delete icon or on the add new button.

If this item is a precision Item you can tick the box next to “Precision Item” if this item is clicked on then that item will appear on the critical faults items list in the critical faults report.

If the option Statistics Item is chosen then the out come will be seen inside the pie chart inside the “Statistics” report.

“Help for this item”. This section allows the user to give a brief description of what is required for this item. This functionality can be used to guide the agent on what is expected when the agent receive the completed evaluation report when they are evaluated. 

The shortcut functionality is a cool tool to use to add “Comments” . This is especially useful when the evaluator always use the same comment. You can add up to 5 comments and when the evaluation is done and the monitor need to add the comment he/she can just click on the correct comment and it will be automatically added to the evaluation. 

Save the “Item” by clicking on the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.

User will be returned to the “Form Design” page and is able to see the newly created “Item”. The user can once again edit the “Item” if they so wish to by clicking on the “Pen” icon and editing the item.

User can also preview the form as they go along.

You can also check the score as you proceed and add headings and items. Remember you can use any figure for your scoring example 10, 50 100. etc. the system will always reflect the scoring percentage up to 100%.

The pop up with the screen will reflect at the bottom right corner of the page. You can manipulate the score and see the changes as you go along.

You the user can continue adding Items and editing until the form is completed.

Choose any of the options as per the Image below and continue editing that option in the “Editing” page

3. Radio Button

The above example is an example using the “Radio Button” option.

In the multiple answer box you can choose multiple answers to comply with during the call. Remember in this example next to each outcome you need to break the score down to add to the total of figure for example

  • Outcome 1 = 5
  • Outcome 2 = 2
  • Outcome 3 = 3

The Total will then be 10. If you do not tick, for example Outcome 2, the user will lose the total of that item and their score will be 8 in this case.

So lets see how this is demonstrated in the image below.

You can once again “Preview” the form and check the score as well.

Here you can see the user has achieved 100%

Let us now remove a tick next to one of the tick boxes in the multiple answer option and see the results.

As you can see in the image above the score has now changed as one of the multiple outcomes was not achieved.

4. One Line Option

On the one line outcome option the user must use a specific description for the item that is created as demonstrated in the image below.

Please note this option is only to insert a comment or specific description. It will not affect the score of the evaluation.

The same applies with the multiple line option. The only difference is that more than one line description can be used.

Remember to add the maximum amount characters to the lines as you wont be able to type the complete description if you have more characters then specified in the total characters option to be used.

5. Using The Image

The image below is purely for the purpose of customization.

6. Critical Fault and Fixed Item

The last two items are to be used as follows:

Choosing this item will force the Evaluation to Zero regardless of what the agent has scored throughout the evaluation.

In the event where the option “Fixed Item” is added the following will happen. Should the entire evaluation score add up to 100 and the user loses 10 points somewhere in the evaluation and that 10 points represent 1 the user will still get 99%. However, if the user chose the fixed item option and the user fails the agent on the fixed item, the agent will then lose the entire 10 points and the agent will only score 90%.

7. Adding Sub Items

As previously mentioned in the article that we will demonstrate how to create subitems.

We first create a main item as seem in the image below.

Now we will continue adding subitems to this item. See Image below. Ensure that you choose the correct Item created.

In this case it will be “Use the correct greeting at the correct time”

We will add the sub item as shown in the image above. Click on Save Item once you created the sub item.

The sub item will appear at the bottom of Main Item. See image below.

Click on Preview form and you can see the Main and Sub item. Remember if the agent makes a mistake at the Main Item the sub items cannot be accessed. They will collapse automatically.

Collapsed image

Once the you have completed the form you need to navigate back to the following screen as shown below. You then need to publish the form. Please take note once the form is published it cannot be deleted. The form can only be “Edited” and “Archived”. 

This conclude our Knowledge Base article on “How to Create a Score Card by Making Use of a Blank Template “

Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us on

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